IDST: Undiscovered Country brief
Every cell in our body is replaced every 7-10 years. Moment by moment, everything about us changes. Slowly, therefore do our souls change? During life, as time passes, do our identities change? When we see old people, it's easy to forget that they were not always old. It's great to live in the present! But only to some extent. We forget that we are ageing, we live with so little urgency and take our time for granted. We imagine that time is forever. We imagine that we will never die. We need to remind ourselves that the only constant is change. The final inevitable change: from young, to old, to gone. It's easy to live life like it is significant. This moment that you are alive is the only one that counts. The present is precious. Treasure and cherish each single moment. Here light acts as time passing us by. The typographic shadow transforms from the word Enshrine, meaning to cherish/treasure/embrace, into the word Evenesce, meaning to diminish and vanish.